Switching it up

So….it’s Saturday morning and my brain is finally feeling less mushy after being sick for days and days. I get a cup of coffee and settle in to grade poetry explications (because that’s what you do at 8am on a Saturday when you’re a teacher and grades are due soon). Roughly four minutes later, I’m distracted and…

Beyond the Classroom Walls…

I realize that the last thing many of you want is a list of MORE things you could be reading/viewing/listening to. But being the curious and caring teacher that I am, I’m going to completely ignore that fact and periodically post some interesting articles, poems, essays, short stories, TED Talks, etc. that I’ve been reading/watching that you may…

For those of you freaking out…

Over the summer, I received more than a few frantic emails about summer work. What if I don’t finish? Will I get kicked out? Does this mean I have no chance of surviving this class? This was the general gist of the emails. For those of you who emailed me, this post may seem familiar….

Writer’s Notebook Inspiration 1

As I wrote in your summer work packet (which I’m sure you’ve all read and reread so thoroughly), in addition to completing your summer assignments, you should also start thinking “beyond the books”: I highly encourage (bordering on demand) that you explore other avenues of intellectual curiosity whenever possible this summer. Keep a Writer’s Notebook….

Summer Work!

Welcome to AP Lit!  You all should have picked up your summer work from me (2 packets and a scantron). If, however, you find yourself needing another copy of either of the packets, here you go! If you’ve misplaced your scantron, you’ll have to keep track of your answers and ask me for another one…